Sunday, January 13, 2008

four different kids, four different personalities ...

we just 5 days with Amitav and Nandini in Assam. It was quite entertaining to see the kids interact with each other over a decent period of time and how different each one is. Here are some of my thoughts on each kid and their parents (i'll try to be politically correct and postive)

  • Both Maya and Amitav are moody. Amitav goes in and out of moods quite quickly. He rebounds quite nicely from a down mood. Maya switches moods less often, but she takes a long time to get back into a good swing
  • PJ is always upbeat. She is very binary. She's either charging full steam ahead (1) or she is sleeping (0).
  • Nandini and Maya knows exactly what they want and when. They get quite upset if things dont match what they expect. Maya being older, is a bit more logical and is right most of the times
  • Maya and PJ are two very different creatures. Maya is like a cat, who does what she wants to do. PJ is more like a dog, who can be influenced to do things. Maya is sensitive, PJ is more thick skinned. Maya gets upset even if you just raise your voice when talking to her. PJ is always thinking of how she can get by with eating less good food and more sweets. PJ seems to be a very carrot-stick kind of kid
  • PJ and Nandini get along very very well. They are the best of friends most of the time and are always holding hands and cuddling each other. Its interesting to listen to their conversations, since they are always talking about two totally different things on two different topics. Hence there is really no need to disagree with the other person
  • Mari and I have very different playing styles and conversations with the kids. Mari is much more creative and language oriented and can get the kids to sing / talk in various languages and pass time away in a car. I look to the environment and things around me to figure out what can be done to keep the kids amused and entertained. Mari had a great conversation with Amitav on the way back from Tezpur where they talked about everything from Pokemon to shopping at Target. My conversations with Amitav are much shorter and each of us trying to get the better of the other.
  • Mrinal has a very quiet peaceful way of dealing with the kids. He never seems to get angry or mad at them. Smita spins things in a very different way than us. She managed to convince PJ not to suck her thumb for 5 sleeps in the car.
  • PJ adores crowds and attention. She loves people cuddling and kissing her. Maya is not very comfortable in crowds (like her parents). She clings to us a bit more in the presence of strangers.

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